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Be a voter


When you vote, you are taking an active role in our democracy and helping shape decisions about health care, education, neighborhood safety, economic development, environmental pollution, taxes, and much more.


Here are key dates for making sure you are registered to vote and your information is up-to-date. We will add voter center and ball drop box locations when that information becomes available.


August 4 – Primary Election


Voters narrow choices to the top two candidates for the November general election.


  • July 15 – Ballots and voters’ pamphlets are mailed. Vote centers open in Renton and downtown Seattle.

  • July 16 – Ballot drop boxes open countywide.

  • July 27 – Deadline to register or update information online or by mail for this election. Forms mailed must be received by this deadline, not just postmarked. Vote centers open in Bellevue, Federal Way, Kenmore, and Kent. Voters may register or update their information in person.

  • August 4: Primary Election Day – Ballots must be postmarked by today or returned to a ballot drop box by 8 p.m. Ballot drop boxes close at 8 p.m. sharp. All vote centers are open until 8 p.m.


November 3 – General Election


Voters weigh in on the presidential race, statewide offices, state legislature, and more.


  • Oct. 14 – Ballots and voters’ pamphlets are mailed. Vote centers open in Renton and downtown Seattle.

  • Oct. 15 – Ballot drop boxes open countywide.

  • Oct. 26 – Deadline to register or update information online or by mail for this election. Forms mailed must be received by this deadline, not just postmarked. Vote centers open in Bellevue, Federal Way, Kenmore, and Kent.

  • Nov. 3: General Election Day – Ballots must be postmarked by today or returned to a ballot drop box by 8 p.m. Ballot drop boxes close at 8 p.m. sharp. All vote centers are open until 8 p.m.


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